Thursday, December 10, 2015

It Takes A Village (12.10.15)

Today I am grateful for all the support we have received from family and friends during Chris's jaw surgery recovery, especially since I am 31 weeks pregnant and limited in what I can do.  Sarah, Chris's mom, has been very helpful with taking care of Chris, running errands, walking our dog, scooping out the kitty litter (being pregnant, I'm not allowed to do this), cleaning/doing laundry, and enjoying conversations and company.

Today, we had the task of putting the electric recliner that Chris is no longer using to sleep back in Sarah's van.  We all looked at each other and thought, "how are we going to do this?".  Thankfully our friends Bill and Eric were kind enough to come over this morning and help us load it into the van.  They took the time out of their day to make our lives so much easier, and we are very grateful for that.

My parents drove up and arrived around 2:30 today.  This allowed Sarah to drive back home and check in on things and get a little break (but she'll be back!).  They ran grocery errands, picked up dinner, helped me take the trash/recycling out, filled up Oliver's dog food container with a new 40 lb. bag, and kept Chris and me company (and totally creamed us in Jeopardy!).  Plus, they played "fake fetch" with Oliver, which is when two people stand on either sides of the house with a tennis ball in their hands.  You don't throw the ball, but pretend to do so, and our super-intelligent dog (ha!) runs back and forth, thinking that the ball has been thrown.  He loves it so much and gets to burn up some energy (plus, it's a lot faster than waiting for him to drop the ball each time you throw it).  Too much fun.

Chris's progress continues each day.  He had another doctor's appointment and then had an appointment with an acupuncturist, per the jaw surgeon's staff recommendation.  It provided a lot of relief to his neck and upper back which have been in crisis mode ever since the 8.5 hour surgery and trying to protect his new jaw.  Chris was awake for most of the day, with only a short nap this afternoon.   He had some potato soup, chicken broth, milk, and lots of fluids today.  We got some raw beef bone so we hope to make our own beef broth tomorrow as a special treat.

We're looking forward to Tuesday - he'll be able to drink a blended food diet, brush his teeth, and perform exercises each day to loosen his muscles without the elastics on.  Until then, we'll maintain the status quo.

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